Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence as a personnel recruiter

Artificial intelligence as a personnel recruiter

A fast and efficient alternative, which promises to eliminate biases when evaluating, analyzing and making decisions about the search for candidates, is what this artificial intelligence system offers, in addition to streamlining the processes. Developed by a team of researchers and collaborators from the IMT Atlantique institute of higher education, located in France.

In the presentation of the research, they detected that the average time required to fill a vacant position is approximately 42 days, which generates a cost of around $4,129 USD to recruit the required personnel. Without guaranteeing that the choice of the candidate is the right one, at the time of hiring.

This approach was the basis for developing an artificial intelligence system to support tasks such as filtering the most relevant resumes, generating a method of relevance scoring between candidates and employers, taking into account the skills and the level of adaptation to the organizational culture of the company.

In the first stage, the team developed the AI system for use in recruiting professionals in the IT industry, using selection criteria described in the job offer, associated responsibilities and technical skills required for the position. In initial tests, the algorithm was able to identify relevant resumes for the position efficiently.

For this project, the candidate's work experience was not taken into account, as the algorithm focuses on entry-level candidates, so the team would like to improve it to include other variables that would allow the model to be applied to more competitive fields.

"We can approach each problem and solve each one with the best tools such as ontologies, embeddings, direct matching, expert evaluation, machine learning. Develop an algorithm for the whole process depending on the existence or not of data. On the product, it would reduce time in the recruiting process, save money, invest recruiters in more productive activities to increase retention and team productivity and decrease recruiter bias. In addition, it would encourage the best candidates to fit into the organization, which would increase the value of the company as a result," the team said.

It remains to be seen how they will commercialize this system, which could support many organizations. The research is available in detail at

28 de Diciembre, 2021
