
Google, a sustainable and successful company

Google, a sustainable and successful company

In 2017 Google announced that their main goal will be converting all its energy to renewable. A year later they managed to reach 100%.

To get to this point, Google began to buy a kilowatt hour of renewable energy for each one they consumed. They also worked with groups such as the Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance and the Re-source Platform to facilitate access to clean energy.

Another action they took was to start building their own solar facility. From this facilities they acquire the wind and solar energy they use.

Although the company reached their goal, it is presumed that they will continue to work to keep all their energy renewable. They also mention that despite the fact that they have already signed contracts to buy kilovatos per hour, these will continue for the same reason of wanting to continue with the investment. Finally, now they want to give themselves the task of promoting these ecological changes and that more companies are encouraged to follow their example.

22 de Septiembre, 2020
