
Renewable energies within the reach of all

Renewable energies within the reach of all

According to the report presented by the consulting firm Deloitte "Global trends in renewable energies", in its 2020 edition, wind and solar energy have become the energy sources with the highest level of investment.

We can see in the report that the costs of installation of renewable energies have decreased significantly, this new quota of profitability is an attraction, would help the investors to decide to support and to spread these renewable energies, in addition that would be within reach of the final consumers. Our region has made a great leap forward, with countries such as Brazil, Chile and Mexico leading investment in renewable energy capacity, followed by Argentina, even though it is the only country out of the four that suffered a drop in investment in 2019.

New technologies applied to the renewable energy sector have been a key factor in lowering costs, and technologies such as process automation, artificial intelligence and blockchain technology have accelerated production. So has the inclusion of efficient materials and production processes.

We have the case of the company FirstSolar, thanks to automation, during 2019 tripled the size of its solar panels, at a cost 30% lower than its Chinese competitors.

Companies such as Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Intel, and other leaders in the technology sector have presented reports to reduce their carbon footprint in the short term, generating that environmental awareness is not only part of their organizational culture, but their employees have taken action in their daily lives and being ambassadors of pro-environmental organizations.

Some companies go further, and not only have they eliminated plastics from their packaging, have implemented electric vehicles for transportation or delivery, and use renewable materials such as bioplastic in their products, we have the case of the technological giant IBM, which currently collaborates with the National Center for Atmospheric Research in the United States, designing the first global model of weather forecasting capable of applying the capabilities of artificial intelligence in underserved markets.

The large leading technological companies have changed a large part of their energy consumption to clean energies and have proposed radical changes in the short term. Contrary to what many people think, this turn towards renewables has not affected their productive capacity; on the contrary, their efficiency has increased over the years.

Renewable energies have come to stay and be a safe bet, in the change to improve our quality of life.

29 de Septiembre, 2020
