
New tool to improve telework productivity

New tool to improve telework productivity

Teleworking brought with it changes and uncertainty when working from home, whether at a personal, family or work level. These uncertainties are still part of many organizations, whose productivity levels declined, and their employees showed signs of exhaustion, depression and creative blocks, bringing with it that leaders discovered in their search, alternatives and techniques that will help from a distance, to their work teams. Not to mention the wave of cyber-attacks to which organizations were exposed.

The universe of challenges that presented and continue to present two variables as the most common, the rate of productivity and the attention to the needs of employees to meet the proposed objectives.

During the pandemic, new tools have emerged, which, added to the already common alternatives, managers can evaluate the productivity of their teams, and avoid the perception of loss of resources, due to the flexibility and informality of the home office.

Precisely thinking about these variables and how to improve home office coordination, the Life Beyond Work project ( was born in Mexico, a tool to support organizations, through a platform that performs a complete review of the company, whose evaluation allows leaders to obtain a series of variables to know the precise vision of their employees in aspects such as sense of belonging, commitment, and quality of life of the staff.

What is the purpose of this assessment? In addition to being a management tool and a labor evaluation, this result will allow managers to make decisions about changes in organizational culture and to be able to create and adapt strategies more assertively and effectively, directly attacking indicators such as the work rate.

One of the most attractive features is the Performance module, whose system is to let managers know the productivity rate that has not been affected by the home office, by tracking task management throughout the organization, efficiently maximizing the knowledge and skills of staff.

LIFE is described as the "first and only collaborative digital platform that centers human purpose as the focus of the organization, driving productivity in a new culture oriented to self-management and results".

With an analysis of employee well-being linked to a system that allows for the coordination of work assignments, the home office will most likely cease to be an informal agent and prove that it can be more profitable than we imagine.

30 de Marzo, 2021
