
Introducing Digma, a silent digital ally for cleaner code.

Introducing Digma, a silent digital ally for cleaner code. is a platform that integrates with the IDE, offering valuable insights as developers write code.

Qualified as a continuous feedback platform, devised and designed for software engineers, analyzing runtime data from development, test and production environments to provide real-time feedback.

One of the most notable attractions of is its ability to identify problems in code on a continuous basis, not only syntactic or semantic errors, but it is capable of detecting code anti-patterns, database query problems and other common errors that might go unnoticed until later stages of development. This would allow developers, thanks to this early detection, to fix these issues before they become major obstacles, saving time and resources. integrates directly into the IDE (Integrated Development Environment), preventing developers from switching between applications to gain valuable insights. The platform offers everything from metrics to detailed analysis, while being displayed in the same environment where the code is written, allowing the developer to improve not only efficiency, but also to adopt best practices from the start.

On the other hand, is capable of validating GenAI code, so it can be of great support in projects that incorporate AI elements. It currently offers support for Java/IntelliJ, but has plans to expand to other languages and platforms.

OpenTelemetry plays a crucial role, being the technology that is responsible for collecting telemetry data from distributed applications, capturing traces, logs and metrics when the code is executed in a local environment. This observability tool allows developers to understand how their code behaves at different stages, from development to production. Analyzing all the data collected to extract meaningful insights that can be useful to the developer. not only offers raw data, but it also has the ability to interpret this data and turn it into actionable information, hence the appeal of being a real-time feedback platform, and not as traditionally happens, that this cycle occurs after the code has been deployed and problems have been found in the production phase. offers a free version for developers. All you need to do is install the plugin in your IDE and start receiving real-time feedback.

To learn more, visit

31 de Octubre, 2023
