
Ghiro, the digital tool to detect if an image has been edited or manipulated

Ghiro, the digital tool to detect if an image has been edited or manipulated

Ghiro is an open source tool designed to perform forensic analysis on a large volume of images, developed primarily for Linux systems and works through an easy to use application.

Hash Digest, one of the most fundamental functions of Ghiro, as this feature creates a unique code for each image, based on its intrinsic data. It functions as a fingerprint, and it is precisely this code that facilitates image tracking and verification in future investigations, especially where the authenticity of an image needs to be confirmed.

Hash list matching is also present in Ghiro, a feature that allows the user to enter a list of hash codes to find all images that match those codes in a database. Ideal when tracking multiple related images or for finding specific images in a large dataset.

Ghiro also features Text String Extraction, essential when discovering if there is any hidden text within an image, including URLs, names and dates that might be embedded in the image. Especially useful in investigations that seek to discover hidden information or meta-information in graphic files.

Other highlights include the Signature Engine, which provides information about the image, including type of camera used, the geographic location and focus point of the image, which could be critical in forensic investigations.

The development team is led by Alessandro Tanasi (Jekil), a professional specialized in architectural design and database relations, and Marco Buoncristiano Burlone, specialized in user experience and design.

If you want to install Ghiro on non-Linux systems, you only need a virtual machine such as QEMU or VirtualBox. More information can be found at

24 de Octubre, 2023
