
If you need to convert text to audio, Orange Waves is for you.

If you need to convert text to audio, Orange Waves is for you.

We present the Orange Waves platform, a digital tool that, among its functions, converts texts into audio files, so that they can be listened to as a podcast, when performing other activities.

In addition, the platform has different voices to choose from, which makes listening more enjoyable. By clicking on the radio icon on the page, you can access the different voices, listening to a sample of the work done.

It supports a variety of formats, such as pdf, doc, txt documents as well as texts found in jpg and png images, among others.

One of the promises of Orange Waves is the speed at the time of converting the text file to audio, regardless of its extension.

Although the platform focuses on productivity and the possibility of performing tasks while listening to the converted texts, it could become a support resource for teachers and students with visual disabilities, while transferring a book to Braille language, a publisher can take even days to do it, the truth is that not all books can be found translated and we know the volume that carries a book translated into Braille, with Orange Waves the book could be converted in a short time.

For now, the site only offers conversions to English, and with different plans, depending on the amount of conversion required.

To access the Orange Waves website, go to

11 de Octubre, 2022
