
Overcomes the fear of public speaking with technology.

Overcomes the fear of public speaking with technology.

Although this task is likely to be impaired by anxiety, stage fright or panic about public speaking, there are many digital tools that can help make the task fun and entertaining.

We present some of these free tools that can make public speaking easier, and that can help anyone regardless of age.

If something characterizes this year 2020 in the digital environment, it was the increase of video conferences as platforms for work, educational and personal communications, but what happens when it is time to expose a topic and the distraction produces an uncomfortable silence that the whole audience is left waiting, for this case we can resort to "UHMM", this application is designed to fill the prolonged silences by music. It is only activated in prolonged silences of more than 3 seconds.

Its environment is intuitive, just run, after installation, before connecting or starting a call, works directly with the music available on the computer, and can be used in Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Jitsi Meet, Google Meet, and more. Available for Windows, MacOS and Linux.

One app that offers several options is "Learn to Speak in Public", it has several alternatives such as length of speech, speeches, fear of public speaking, among others. Its appeal is that you don't need the internet to use it.

In order to simulate an audience and practice the speech, you can use "Public Speaking Simulator VR", an application that simulates a virtual conference room with people who could be listening, even configuring the attitude of the people and the number of those present.

According to its developers, if it is used twice a week, it can improve public speaking and expressions, it promises to help strengthen confidence when executing the task of expressing oneself in front of other people, the application is called "Public Speaking and Leadership with Power", with tips and recommendations to control anxiety, stage fright and shame, among other situations.

These last three are free and available for the Android operating system.

17 de Noviembre, 2020
