
Bitcoin Buster: The search of an stable cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin Buster: The search of an stable cryptocurrency.

"Currently the prices of cryptocurrency fluctuate enormously, becoming high risk investments. But could a more stable cryptography persuade us to think of digital money as an "intelligent" currency? Today there are more than 1,500 crypts (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin to name but a few) that are marketed in approx. 190 exchanges around the world. Prices skyrocketed and crashed alarmingly. In 2017, the price of a bitcoin was almost $ 20,000 USD before losing two thirds of its value in just a few months. Currently worth around $ 6,000 USD Therefore, a growing number of crypto start-ups are developing alternatives known as stablecoins, digital tokens linked to traditional fiduciary currencies such as the US dollar, the British pound or the Japanese yen, with the aim of reducing this volatility and increasing the trust.  

The cryptocoins that die before they have bloomed.

Magical money: condemned the cryptomboom? Is this the next financial scandal waiting to happen? For example, the cryptographic finance company Circle is launching a new token called USD Coin. "Imagine a dollar currency with which you can make payments, use it in cryptographic networks or use it in smart contracts to pay dividends, but you can convert to fiat money at any time," explains Circle executive director Jeremy Allaire. But if stable cryptos become as common as fiat currencies, can the system deal with the volume? Many fear that the chain of blocks will be increasingly slow and run the risk of seizing completely. Ethereum, one of the most popular blockchain platforms, can only process around 13 transactions per second, while the Visa card payment processing platform can handle more than 20,000 transactions per second. That is why we are working to create platforms based on more flexible block chains. EOS and Stellar, could face a large increase in the volume of transactions and millions more users."

11 de Septiembre, 2018
