
Microsoft and Grammarly Join Forces to Correct our English

Microsoft and Grammarly Join Forces to Correct our English

"Grammarly announces that its writing tool is available in more Microsoft services: Microsoft Word for Mac and Word Online. Grammarly is a tool capable of understanding the context and tone of the text we are developing, differentiating formal language from informal language, all this without leaving the document itself. Grammarly for Microsoft Word is designed to fit into your writing process. As you write your document, Grammarly's comments will appear on the right side of the page. You'll see suggestions for making your writing clearer, improving your word choice, and polishing your writing in all sorts of exciting ways, without resorting to the traditional copy and paste strategy. Grammarly for Microsoft Word has been available for some time now, with the Mac version coming on board, as well as Word Online, designed especially for users who love working in the cloud. The installation of this add-on is fast, easy and free. Another advantage offered by Microsoft to improve the learning process and facilitate the elaboration of texts."

12 de Mayo, 2020
