
Can technology in the kitchen reduce food waste?

Can technology in the kitchen reduce food waste?

"Technology and innovative products helps to turn a common refrigerator into an intelligent device. That promise to help consumers reduce food waste and save money. Each year, it is estimated that about 1,300 million tons of food produced for human consumption are lost or wasted. The key moment behind Ovie, came when co-founder Ty Thompson found himself throwing a plate of pasta. Determined to reduce food waste and inspired by a system of LED lights. Thompson set out to create an intelligent food storage system. That tracks the expiration of the food in the refrigerator. Ovie has just completed a crowdfunding campaign to finalize the development of their product. This one that tracks the expiration of food using a Bluetooth button. The idea behind Ovie has evolved substantially. "It went from being just a lightweight system in your refrigerator to helping you waste less food to a fully integrated solution that reminds you when food needs to run out, suggests recipes and allows you to buy ingredients," said Ovie co-founder Stacie Thompson. We hope that through these innovative solutions we can avoid unnecessary waste of food. For worldwide and in the future, reduce costs and increase the benefits in each home. Now more about this wonderfull technology -"

25 de Septiembre, 2018
