
5G: opportunities and risks that come with this technology

5G: opportunities and risks that come with this technology

"The next year has been declared very technological, the 5G or fifth generation of mobile technology will not only allow for better cell phone speed but also facilitate advances in industrial robots, autonomous vehicles, telesurgery and the deployment of iOT devices. This new connectivity standard will be central in smart cities The download speed of 5G will be 10 Gbps, which implies a speed jump between 10 and up to 100 times more than the previous generation. In turn, the response or latency time from tens of milliseconds to just one millisecond would be reduced. Just as this technology will bring many benefits, it also implies an increase in the challenges of protecting the network. The privacy of the network will be threatened if there are backdoors through which personal data of citizens can be extracted. A special sequence within the programming code is known as a back door or back door, by means of which security systems can be avoided in order to access the system, without permission. In the case of smart cities, in terms of security, if the deployment and monitoring is not carried out properly, it could result in the use of these technologies to monitor and limit the personal freedoms of citizens. Infrastructure, internet of things, home and the smart city. All this will be enhanced by 5G, but this also implies that any cyber attack could have a colossal impact. "

28 de Enero, 2020
