
The end of the programmers as we know them

The end of the programmers as we know them

"Automation and artificial intelligence will help new programming and design professionals deal primarily with business and customer experience. When talking about the professions that create start-ups for their new businesses, experts often identify a very clear need for professional profiles: developers. They find work easily, as the market absorbs all this labor supply. If there are sectors with zero unemployment, this is one of them. Paradoxically, in the era in which we just need more programmers, these will be overcome by machines in code programming. Actually, artificial intelligence and automation make the code more perfect if it is programmed by a machine than if programmed by developers.

A new role

70% of the web programming time is dedicated to writing code, so the intervention of artificial intelligence and automation eliminates much of that time, and therefore changes the role of professionals, who become machine programmers which in turn program code; and that they are primarily dedicated to the business and the achievement of objectives. When readers enter a web page they use it in a certain way, and that use is picked up by web analytics. From there, a UX / Design department will make concrete decisions and redesign or redefine the page. In this new scenario, human resources dedicated to programming and design will be used primarily in the business and customer experience. These new profiles will be chaired by the figure of the digital engineer mentioned at the beginning. The automation manager of software, usability and design will depend on these professionals."

24 de Marzo, 2020
